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Friday, December 18, 2009

I Love Taking Pictures...

Because of my work, I´m "forced" to take pictures all the time of the new items for the shop. But when I say forced, I really don´t mean it, because I really love all the process of taking photos.

Now, that I´m back behind the camera, I feel a extremely wonderful feeling of joy, even if I have to be standing there one or two, or even three, hours to find what I´m looking for in a picture.

I´ve just made some maths and I think I´m taking an average of 1000 pictures every week! It´s scary number, when you only can pick five to use for a listing!

And sometimes, I try some "artistic" shots (like the ones I´m showing you in this post).

I love the work of all those professional photographers, who take incredible shots, with gorgeous lightnings and effects... Photography is a fantastic art.

I hope you have enjoyed my pictures :)
Have a wonderful weekend!

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