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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Saying Goodbye To 2009...

What a better way to say goodbye than remembering 10 wonderful things from the past year?

Well, here are mine:

1. Joining the European Street Team on Etsy.

(The ring you can see in the picture was made by www.evihan.etsy.com )

2. Travelling to Holland.

3. Meeting fantastic people in Maastricht.

4. Getting a very necessary new camera!

5. Spending time with the ones I love... :)

6. Saving a homeless kitty from starving

(no pictures of the actual kitty, but here you have a lovely picture of another cute cat! :) )

7. Petting my cat and dog.

8. My first year on Etsy! (plus the first 1000 hearts in my shop and the 200th sale!)

9. Watching amazing and deeply moving films...

10. Being on my first craft fair!

And there are many other things I´m sure I forgot!
I just hope the new year will be as good as this one was.
Happy New Year!!!

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