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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Hollywood Actors: How Old Do You Think They Are? [Quiz]

I had a conversation the other day about how good and how bad people can be trying to guess someone´s age. I thought it would be fun to make a quiz related to few (randomly chosen) actors´ age. Do they look younger than they are, or are they older than you imagined?

The answers are at the bottom of this post, but I invite you to play and let me know what you think, are you a good at guessing ages? ;)

Here we go:

a) 47
b) 39
c) 43

a) 60
b) 68
c) 65

a) 48
b) 56
c) 60
a) 57
b) 62
c) 52
a) 30
b) 36
c) 34
a) 43
b) 46
c) 40
a) 52
b) 56
c) 60

a) 40
b) 42
c) 44

a) 41
b) 36
c) 34

a) 60
b) 55
c) 63

a) 37
b) 44
c) 40

a) 38
b) 35
c) 42

a) 45
b) 48
c) 50

a) 50
b) 48
c) 54

Tom Cruise a) 47, Robert De Niro c) 65, Pierce Brosnan b) 56, Liam Neeson a) 57, Leonardo DiCaprio c) 34, Johnny Deep b) 46, Jean Reno c) 60, Javier Bardem a) 40, Jamie Foxx a) 41, Jackie Chan b) 55, Hugh Jackman c) 40, Christian Bale b) 35, Brad Pitt a) 45, Denzel Whashington c) 54

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